Research to Reduce Disparities in Disease Program (R2D2) is seeking first-year College of Human Medicine student scholars. Opportunity to earn $10,000 and satisfy the College of Human Medicine’s 3rd-year research requirement. Scholars will create a strong transdisciplinary bridge between medicine and public health while investigating the role of race, ethnicity, gender, and implicit/explicit bias in medicine.

What is the Research to Reduce Disparities in Disease Program?
R2D2 is a NIH-funded research education program for students who want to:
- create a strong transdisciplinary bridge between medicine and public health
- develop “hands-on” data-based research skills, competencies, and product
- work to reduce population health disparities and medical inequalities in CVD
- build a strategy to address the socio-political determinants of population health
- investigate the role of race, ethnicity, gender, and implicit/explicit bias in medicine
What Do Students Get Out of The R2D2 Program?
What is Required of Students Accepted into The R2D2 Program?
- A two-year program commitment.
- A four-week intersession workshop during ECE.
- A faculty-mentored research project after ECE.
How to Apply.
First-year College of Human Medicine students can apply online.
Students who have not received a score of 33 or more on one of their progress tests will not be eligible to participate in the Research to Reduce Disparities in Disease Program. These students will need to enroll in three core offerings in addition to three foundational offerings, thus their schedule will not accommodate enrolling in R2D2.
The application deadline is December 12, 2022.
Five to seven students will be selected for the R2D2 Scholars Program.
Selections communicated to scholars by January 2023.
Apply here.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Meet Several of Our R2D2 Student Scholars.
Meet the Mentors.
Questions? Email
The R2D2 Student Scholar Experience: Q&A with Dr. Mieka Smart and Dr. Edwards-Johnson
Mentoring R2D2 Scholars in Research: Q&A with Dr. Mieka Smart and Dr. Lucas
Q&A with Dr. Mieka Smart and Victoria Bright, Current R2D2 Scholar
Meet the R2D2 Team
Mieka Smart, DrPH, Program Director
Todd Lucas PhD, Program Director
Wayne McCullough, PhD, Communications Director
Mark Trottier, PhD, Program Evaluator
Megan Mulheron, Program Assistant
Abe Wheeler, MLIS, MTS, Health Information Scientist
Chana Kraus-Friedberg, PhD, MLS, Health Information Scientist