
Pregnancy or Early Infant Loss Counseling Research Project in Michigan

Have you recently lost a pregnancy through miscarriage or stillbirth or experienced the early death of an infant? You are not alone. Losing a pregnancy or young infant can be painful and many women find themselves feeling down or blue after this happens.

For women who are feeling down after a loss of a pregnancy or young infant, we are offering no-cost groups through our research study; these groups are run by experienced counselors. Recruitment for the study is now closed.

This National Institute of Child Health & Human Development funded study is being conducted by Dr. Jennifer Johnson from Michigan State University in collaboration with Dr. Kent Key, Ann Back-Price, MSN, and Dr. Caron Zlotnick.


Who can participate?
Recruitment for the study has closed, but women between the ages of 18-50 years old who are feeling down after experiencing a miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of a young infant in the past 18 months and who can attend weekly counseling groups via Zoom video calls, or, eventually in person.

What is involved?
Our project involves small, supportive groups run by experienced therapists once a week for 12 weeks and two individual sessions. There will also be research interviews that are flexible in scheduling.

How are participating families compensated?
If our project is a good fit for you, we will compensate you up to $180 for your time on the three research interviews.

Who is conducting the project?
Our researchers are highly trained staff at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and Women and Infants Hospital, Providence RI. We are funded by the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development.

Where does the program take place?
For now, everything in our project will take place over the phone or by Zoom video call until the risk of COVID has decreased. Groups may eventually meet in the community.



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Facts about Perinatal Loss and Depression