Assistant Professor
Heatherlun Uphold, PhD, translates research into practice by utilizing community-engaged dissemination and implementation science and integrating novel strategies into the discipline of public health. She is specifically interested in reducing the research-to-practice gap and improving information and data equity through audience-centered message distribution and culturally sensitive strategies. Further research interests include addressing cancer disparities, normalizing data disaggregation to identify disparities, and improving EMS service delivery.
Dr. Uphold leads the CDC-funded National Network to Innovate for COVID-19 and Adult Vaccine Equity (NNICE) project, which focuses on building the evidence base of effective interventions and strategies to improve vaccination coverage and reduce racial disparities in adults throughout Michigan and North Carolina. Together with her partners, the NNICE has reached nearly 10 million individuals, providing critical information and resources to increase vaccine confidence.
She leads the Health Equity Report Card for Flint and Genesee County, Michigan, and the substance use disorder-specific Health Equity Report Card for Port Huron and St. Clair County, Michigan. Both report cards identify and communicate the state of health disparities through an easy-to-understand format to support community prevention and intervention efforts and improve health equity. She co-leads the Flint Community Webinar, which is held monthly and shares community-relevant research and resources and highlights the work of community organizations to address needs throughout the Greater Flint area. Dr. Uphold loves to spend time with her husband and dogs, ride her horse, and work out.
Selected Publications:
Uphold, H., Drahota, A., Bustos, T., Crawford, M. K., Buchalski, Z. (2022). “There’s no money in community dissemination”: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Researcher Dissemination-As-Usual. Journal of clinical and translational science, 6(1), e105.
Khalil, C., Berdahl, C., Simon, K., Uphold, H., Ghandehari, S., Durra, O., Glenn III, C., Kim, L., Yumal, R., Milam, A. (2022). Experiences and Perspectives on Stressors and Organizational Strategies to Bolster Resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Health Care Workers at a Tertiary Medical Center. In press: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(12), 1013-1017.
Ellington, R., Barajas, C.B, C., Drahota, A., Meghea, C., Uphold, H., Scott, J.B, Lewis, E.Y.*, Furr-Holden, C.D. (2022). An Evaluation Framework of a Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center for Health Equity Research. American Journal of Evaluation, 43(3), 357-377.
Selected Media Coverage:
To request a comprehensive CV summarizing Dr. Uphold’s achievements, please email her at upholdhe@msu.edu.
What is the Health Equity Report Card?