Public Health News

Maya Wolock

Let’s Give Michigan Families an Extra Hug with Cash Prescriptions

On my first day at MSU, as a student intern, I was greeted with one of the most memorable hugs of my lifetime. I was to work directly under Dr. Mona Hanna, a nationally recognized leader and award-winning pediatrician most known for her role in uncovering the Flint Water Crisis; it was a dream opportunity for any 20-year-old public health student, and I was a ball of nerves. As soon as Dr. Mona walked into the room, my worries evaporated as she threw open her arms and gave me a bear hug. “I’m a hugger,” she said.

Department Difference Maker Awards

Department Difference Makers Awards

The Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health Awards Committee is proud to announce the recipients of the Difference Makers Awards. These awards recognize the hard work of faculty members, staff members, and community partners. 

Flint Spartan Master of Public Health Scholarship

2025 Flint Spartan Master of Public Health Scholarship

The Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health is supporting the public health workforce in the Flint community with a third Flint Spartan Master of Public Health Scholarship. One scholarship will be awarded in fall 2025 and will cover tuition and fees for completing MSU's online Master of Public Health. Prospective students who currently live or work in the greater Flint community, including Mt. Morris and Burton are eligible.